A comprehensive personal finance tracker built with React Native & Expo in 24 hours! 📱
Task Manager Fullstack
A task management app built with cutting-edge tech for fluid user experience 🚀
ViteJSExpressJSSQLiteTanstack Query & Router Coffee Connoisseur
Geolocation based search for coffee shops 🌍
NextJSFoursquareUnsplashAirtable Weather App
Small weather app built as part of a front-end development assessment 🌦️
Docker image for creating Minecraft servers 📦
DockerMinecraftAutomationContainers Fedora WSL Installer
Small utility to install Fedora vanilla on WSL 🛠️
CalypsoPi Website
Minecraft-inspired web portal with pixel-art aesthetics and original sounds for an immersive experience 🎮